Study HallMonumental Bronze Warbird Memorials by Robert Henderson, the Warbird Artist

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World War II
Army Air Forces

Help Is Needed

In an effort to have the "World War II Army Air Forces Memorial" dedicated in our lifetime, a non-profit corporation, Groups Memorial Inc. of the Army Air Forces, has not only raised the funds, but is trying to donate the already-created bronze to Washington, D.C, The Memorial is a bronze P-51 Mustang, 3/10th scale, which will represent all of the World War II aviators.

P51 Mustang

This "WW II Army Air Forces Memorial" does meet the requirements of the Commemorative Works Act (CWA). The Board of Groups Memorial Inc. has been told that three commemorative zones have been created to distribute memorials in the D.C. area. The "WW II Army Air Forces Memorial" deserves to be placed on the Memorials and Museums Master Plan, which will appoint It a proper setting.

Here's what is needed - a letter to be written, a call to be made to your Senators and Representatives, as well as any instrumental contacts you may have. Let them know that the "WW II Army Air Forces Memorial" must be given a place in either Area I or II, described in the policy adopted by the National Capitol Planning Commission, the Commission of Floe Arts, and the National Capitol Memorial Commission. The time is NOW - or we will NEVER see a memorial to World War II aviators. Pressure on OUR elected officials can get this done! So, let's do it!

For any information or input, call 1-800-305-1738


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